#IAmHuman – Jumana: beruflich mache ich immer das, was mich gerade bewegt
My name is Jumana. I am human. Heute veröffentlichen wir zum ersten Mal eine #IAmHuman Geschichte auf deutsch. Wir sind begeistert von Jumana und freuen uns darüber, dass sie uns diesen Text für unsere Aktion geschickt hat. Macht weiter so! FindingSustainia lebt von euch Leserinnen und Lesern genauso wie von uns als Team. Wir dürfen […]
Interview with Zafir Dewshi: No to the dehumanization of faith #IAmHuman
We are very proud and honoured to present you the following interview with lawyer and Ismaili Muslim Zafir Dewshi on Islam, the dehumanization of faith, the need for openness and more. We need more ambassadors who openly speak with each other and are not afraid to ask and answer questions, always putting the principles of […]
#Iamhuman – Philipp: Life’s not fair. So let’s make it fairer.
My name is Philipp. I am human. A privileged one to be honest. Although my family isn’t financially rich I’ve never had to be afraid about my basic needs. Furthermore I could, and still can, do, whatever I’d like to: Make movies and live location-independently.
#IAmHuman – Yvonne: dreaming of making a difference
I am human. My name is Yvonne, Shia, owner of Wasteland Rebel blog, asked me to write my Human Story for the #IAmHuman campaign of Finding Sustainia. Shia wrote a pretty amazing article about how she worked her way up to prepare for a successful future. At the end of the journey she was disappointed […]